- vinylDJ Eiji Takehana
- Nashimoto Hollywood
- Saki Yamada
- & Kenta Tominaga
*When taking photos/videos and posting them on SNS, etc., please obtain permission from the person in question.
*Please be considerate when people other than the subject appear in the photo.
*Please do not use flash.
*No smoking.
*If you click the “Interested” on this event page on Resident Advisor, you will receive a discount. If you show the screen when entering on the day, the admission fee will be 1500 yen (with 1drink).
※ Resident Advisorイベントページの「興味がある」ボタンを押して頂いたお客様はディスカウント対応となり、当日入場時に画面をご提示頂くと1500円(with 1drink)になります。